An unparalleled set of workshops packed with the essential information and practical techniques to assist men prepare for the life changes that come with the most rewarding job in life – becoming a DAD.

A deep dive into the untold story of fatherhood, how hard it is; and what is involved to stay on top of; and prepare for in 4 major focus areas of life which are all pillars of Gary’s coaching framework of Fitness & Wellbeing, Relationships, Asset (Business), Lifestyle

Nothing is off limits, and communicating with likeminded men at specific points in life to open ongoing community support, creates pride, respect and a group culture enabling personal growth in any man.

Curated by a Master Coach the series of workshops are designed to continually assist Men to learn and develop as individuals and Dads. At any stage on your journey ManTnatal will have a workshop or course to assist you change any area of your life.

The journey is ever evolving, the skills required to stay at the top of your game change as quickly as your children grow. Our community aims to continually support and assist Dads, Men and Businesses on that journey.


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What to expect

ManTnatal is real, raw and relevant for Men and their journey as Dads.

The unique workshops enable men to comprehensively understand internal issues and easily implement simple strategies into life to ensure that they are not only well prepared for the additional load of fatherhood, but equipped with sustainable life success habits.

Redesigning your life as a dad is a must to ensure a life of happiness.

ManTnatal breaks down the unspoken facts.

ManTnatal will educate and assist you on how to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls so many men make, so you can be the best version of yourself for your partner and newborn child.

London + Teddy 013 Img 0041


  • Psychology - How what we think changes as a dad. How to improve mindset and overcome any fears
  • Dads role on the day - A non-medical approach on what to expect
  • What the Future Holds - How to thrive as a dad.
  • Mastering Fatherhood The Do's and Don'ts - How to stay present in all areas of life
  • Self Improvement - Fitness, Mindset, Wellness & Relationships
  • Takeaways - Tools and Templates
Ready to prepare yourself for parenthood?
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